
on feminism and a dusty surfboard

(Written last October)

Last weekend an apostle came to town. The night he was scheduled to speak everyone arrived early. There was a special reverence in the air. A hushed silence came over the room as he and his wife walked in and took their seats up on the stand.

He delivered a wonderful message, was completely charming and witty and everything you'd hope an apostle would be. Despite all of that, my eyes kept drifting over to his wife again and again. She was nothing what I'd expected. She was small. Think Olympic gymnast sized. She had long, frizzy dark hair with bangs covering her whole forehead and resting on her eyelashes. She wore a floor-length black skirt with a black long-sleeved shirt and a lot of black eyeliner. My initial impression was Wednesday from the Adams Family. She spoke just above a whisper and kept her upper torso very still, just shifting her eyes as she spoke. She was very poised and articulate and terribly, terribly sweet from head to toe. 

As she spoke my mind revisited all of the other apostle's wives I've met or heard, and all of the women who speak from the pulpit at General Conference, and I concluded: sweet, sweet, soft-spoken, subservient, geez, sweet! And I thought, I will never be an apostle's wife. 

I am way too spicy. I have women's rights and feminism plastered all over the walls of my brain. I can be authoritative and rude and outspoken and, most annoyingly, prideful. And I wonder if any of those women started out like me? And do I even want to become that type of woman? Some part of my identity is tied up in being feisty and savvy and not so quiet about it all. And I wonder if that's something that will fade away as I grow?

(Written today)

I had an encounter last week with a teenaged girl. She had spiky red hair, a hoop through her nose, and body parts stuffed into Barbie-sized clothes. She was chewing out another woman twice her age, a respectable authority figure, in a loud obnoxious voice with her chest puffed out and finger waving. Her language was uneducated and harsh and crude.

Is this what women have become after just three generations of liberation? Are these the types of girls my daughter will have as peers and colleagues? Immodest, vulgar with hardly a trace of femininity left unscathed?

I'm beginning to understand the incalculable value of traditional women. Gentle, nurturing, quietly wise. 

Once I wanted to pursue professional surfing. I idolized spiky-haired women who could stand on a board propelled by a wave and do some pretty cool tricks. I used to roll my eyes when I watched General Conference and those soft-spoken women came on. I JUST CAN'T RELATE TO THOSE PEOPLE, I thought. THEY'RE SO CLOSED-MINDED AND BORING.

Now my surfboard is gathering dust in the garage and the words of those sweet women fill my head with beautiful truth and buoy up my sometimes-weary heart while I mop the floors and do the dishes. 

I've chosen to pursue a quiet life in the trenches of marriage and motherhood. It is far from the lime-light of popularity or prestige and certainly not very exciting, I'm sure some people think. And amazingly, I don't mind. I still surf occasionally, but my focus has shifted. I'm still feisty and outspoken, but I no longer want to be. The things I care about have changed. My heart has changed. 

I feel like I'm finally becoming someone I can be proud of.


Me said...

Interesting that you have noticed this change in yourself. I would like to ask the deeper question as to why you felt like the "sweet women" were narrow minded? What was your thought process and how do you feel like they could have "opened" their mind?
I still feel this way about some of the speakers, especially the auxiliary presidencies that speak; however, I do listen to what they say, perhaps with just much salt than the apostles.
The last thing is this. We have met a lot of apostle's wives. We have not gotten to know them. I believe that they have pushed and pruned their husbands to the spiritual top just like you do to Nathan. That is the blessing that we men have. If we so choose to marry a devout daughter of God, we choose to want the spiritual anchor that we can always weigh on. I have learned in 3 months that my choice in marrying sarah, has given me an increase in conversion to the Gospel. Without her I would still be just casually living The Plan.
On the outside, it is like you said, who cares what they think. On the inside of the home, that's where the refinery takes place.
Love you long time

the schmoes said...

A most memorable eye roller was the lady who got up and said, "I just love exclamation points!!" I thought, gag me please. I realize now that I was the one being closed minded because I couldn't look past the delivery or the person and hear the message. I think that is the definition of open mindedness...being willing to accept truth from any source.
I completely agree that behind most stellar men there are very impressive women working their magic. I think the most impressive ones are those who can quietly, subtly teach and inspire without the need for recognition. That's what I'm aiming for! Loooooong way to go. :)

Eden said...

Brooke, love it. Love your writing, your thoughts, your turn of phrase. More than that I love the heart that inspires all of this. Beautiful.

Rechel Nganga said...

I love your blog. I love your insight. You have turned into a very impressive woman. You words are very thought provoking and I love that. I love you and your little family. You have a special place that is engraved on my heart. I have been changed for the good because of knowing you.


The Colbys... written by Erin said...

My dearest Brooke! You've been blogging a lot so I had to catch up! I love your blog because it is such a good representation of you and your family. And we just adore you guys. I LOVED this post and can relate so much to it. You put words together so well, and I can feel the importance of motherhood and the preciousness of it to you. I love it and it's an example to me.

Besides that, you guys are so hip and cool. Do you REALLY have a VW bus with that camper thing on top? You're living my dreams, but with a better photographer and videographer at your side. I love your artistry and your soul you sweet and feisty thing!