
thoughts on love

in one of the p90x videos you do this ballistic stretch called "huggers" where you swing your arms and hug yourself. tony goes up to one of the girls as she's doing this and says, "how ya doin?" and she says, "i love myself!"

this little scene replayed in my mind today as i was scarfing down a brownie, accompanied by the thought do i love myself? i got all dressed to workout today, stella was napping, no distractions and i COULDN'T DO IT!! i couldn't get motivated to press play on the dumb video. i felt too tired, not in the mood, would rather sit here and vegetate. so i'm wondering...what to do in this situation? do i "honor my body" as we yogis always preach and just skip the workout for today? or do i beat myself into submission and force myself to do it anyway? which choice would show perfect self love?

contemplating that question as i eat another brownie....

on a completely unrelated note, goggle face.


Elyse said...

Cute picture! And I totally know how you feel about getting motivated. I usually love myself enough to not put the video in..ha.

The Colbys... written by Erin said...

oh my gosh! That pic is even better than I imagined when you told me!! It's the cutest thing EVER!!! And... you SHOULD love yourself. You look amazing and you've been sooo good and you only have a 3 month old!!! Whoah! I say go with the yogi way... you know they're always right!

Rasmussen Family said...

I say force yourself...you almost 100% of the time feel better after exercising. Something about added endorphines:) I can't think of a time where after working out I said, gee, I wish I hadn't done that

Erin said...

you are too adorable brooke! it was so great to hear from you! your blog is great- i'll check in on you and your beautiful family often.

miss you guys. by the way, stella is amAAAAAZing.

JW said...

I hope they weren't cow poop brownies!

Becki D said...

Hi there! I don't know you, but I stumbled my way to your blog through the Colby Chronicles (which I found through Reagan's Blob) and ANYWAY I just loved your answer over there about leaving notes and pictures to motivate yourself to work out. I have a just-turned 3 month old, too and am now having the mental battle of getting ready to lose these last 12 pounds of "preggo" (brownie, cookie, cupcake!) weight...but it's so hard to want to work out after I've finally got both girls napping (I also have a 20 month old!)!!

So I think I'm gonna dig out my skinny pictures and leave them laying around the house. Great idea.

Also, I think it's more loving to force yourself to work out. It's true - you'll never say "man I wish I hadn't done that."